О Камчатке Сервисы Проекты Площадки Стандарт О корпорации Инвесткарта Журнал Медиа Мероприятия ГЧП En
Industry overview Tourism in Kamchatka Territory

Kamchatka, a Far East region, offers unparalleled nature and amazing vistas. It is aspiring to become the leading tourist attraction in the east of Russia. Tourism is Kamchatka’s priority.

In 2021, 245,000 tourists visited Kamchatka. This figure exceeded the pre-COVID 2019 level (241,500 tourists). In the first half of this year, the number of Kamchatka hotel guests reached 177,700, triple the number for the first half of 2021. According to preliminary estimates, this summer the tourist inflow to Kamchatka increased by almost 20% compared to the summer of 2021.

The 2022 charter tour program (in collaboration with TIU Russia) made Kamchatka even more accessible. Still, the price tag for charter tours to Kamchatka is inevitably higher than the price of similar tours to other regions. Naturally, it greatly depends on the tour package's contents. The average price begins at RUB 50,000 for one person. To visit the Kuril Lake and other remote natural treasures the tourist will pay RUB 100,000...150,000 mostly due to high transportation costs.

Local flights for tourists are quite limited. The largest local airline is Vityaz-Aero. It operates a fleet of more than 20 helicopters. Efficient logistics is required to reduce the Kamchatka tours price tag: new airliners, more light aircraft, and helicopters, local airfields (about 30) upgrades, and re-activation. 

Another reason for the high price tag is the shortage of hotels that meet international quality standards. The local tourism industry is still in the making. Nowadays, the total capacity of Kamchatka hotels is 7,000. For the last four years, private investors have created over 40 new tourist accommodations. 

New tourist projects are developed near the regional capital with its extensive transport infrastructure. The projects are within the Priority Development Area framework.

The Three Volcanoes tourist cluster from Interros Group 60 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky will be the largest federal tourist project. It is similar to such well-known Russian ski resorts as Rosa Khutor and Krasnaya Polyana in the Krasnodar Region. By 2027-2028 the cluster will become a ski resort with 1,000 hotel rooms, 30 km long ski pistes and two ropeways, an eco-camp, and a geopark. The investments exceed RUB 39 bln.

Yet another new project near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is the Paratunka tourist cluster in Yelizovsky District. The Inhabited Land eco-friendly tourist center operated by Inhabited Land will be completed by 2027. It is located in the Paratunka resort, famous for its hot springs (Paratunka Village, Yelizovsky District). The center will have guest houses, a swimming pool, glamping (camping with hotel-grade amenities), a visitor center, an eco-farm, a cafe, an eco-park, and an environment-friendly recycling facility. The investment in the project is about RUB 187.75 mln. 

Kamchatka Springs company is going to invest RUB 290 mln. into a recreational center with a hotel, glamping, and swimming In Termalny village (Elizovsky District, Paratunka tourist facility). The investor expects to complete the first phase in 2023.

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky will also launch tourist attractions. So far the city has been just a transfer point for visitors on their way to the local landmarks. The new city master plan proposes the gentrification of its historical downtown, further development of the Peter and Paul Harbor (building a yacht marina, hotel, and food hall), reconstruction of the passenger maritime terminal, and greenspace expansion on the Central Square. 

Kamchatka region offers great event tourism opportunities. Every year we host Beringia, Russia’s longest sled dog race; we also offer ski races, snowboarding, ski mountaineering, and other sports competitions as well as national holidays of indigenous peoples. 

The peninsula expects more investors in the tourism and hospitality industry, and the local authorities are providing more support. This summer we announced Land for Tourism. a joint project by the local government and the Russian National Land Registry. The project will simplify the land plot allocation procedure for tourist projects and fast track for cadastral registration, and transfer of real estate and land title. 

Our main airport Yelizovo in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (managed by Local Airports) will be upgraded to handle increased tourist traffic. When completed in 2024, the airport will handle 1.5 mln. passengers every year. The project includes a new four-story passenger terminal for domestic and international flights (45,000 m2 floor space), a 120-room hotel, and a business center (over 14,000 m2 floor space). 

No wonder, eco-tourism is a priority in Kamchatka given that the region ranks first in Russia in terms of the nature reserve areas, and second in the natural park areas. Investments in the infrastructure are required to offer more visits to our natural treasures. The national treasury will provide some funds. For example, in 2022-24 Kamchatka Territory will be granted about RUB 5 bln. from the federal treasury to build the utilities and transport infrastructure for the tourist clusters. The Kronotsky Natural Reserve with its many natural treasures is a priority infrastructure development project under the Environment Protection and Tourism and Hospitality Industry national initiatives.

In 2022 we will design a road to Khalaktyrsky Beach, and begin the construction of the road to Vilyuchinsky, Gorely, and Mutnovsky volcanoes, where the Three Volcanoes tourist cluster will be located. Last year. an asphalt road to Milkovo Village was completed. There are hot springs, sport fishing, and rafting sites near the village. 

Note that mass tourism inevitably poses risks to the protected natural areas. The local authorities are taking measures to balance the tourism industry development and conservation of the peninsula’s sensitive ecosystems.

This year we introduced entrance fees for visiting Bystrinsky, Klyuchevskoy, Nalychevo, and Yuzhno-Kamchatsky natural parks. The proceeds will be used to build the infrastructure in the natural reserves.

A new tourist infrastructure for the Valley of Geysers (Kronotsky Reserve) is designed. It will protect nature and make the route safer. The local tourist routes are being certified. The certification identifies potential tourists, mode of transport, route condition, safety equipment, seasonal differences, route length and complexity, and the estimated time.

Kamchatka has always been an attractive destination for Russian and international tourists but its remote location and high prices used to be an obstacle. Now, the Kamchatka Peninsula is becoming a more accessible tourist destination without harming the local nature. Kamchatka may become a leading Russian center of eco-tourism, alpine skiing, and health tourism. As the new, ambitious projects are completed, tourists discovering Kamchatka will want to come back for new impressions. 

Number of tourists

175 181
183 850
198 605
199 352
215 485
241 500
91 500
245 000
Russian tourists
160 561
169 736
181 970
185 432
190 067
205 178
89 600
International tourists
14 620
14 114
16 635
13 920
25 418
36 322
1 400

Government allocations to the municipalities for the tourism industry support, RUB ’000

Local government subsidies for infrastructure development
Subsidies from the local government for the hotel construction and upgrades
Subsidies, total
3 537,00
3 537,00
5 000,00
5 718,46
5 600,00
75 284,88
80 884,88
5 700,00
5 700,00
6 555,76
3 786,72
10 342,48
4 997,40
78 152,98
83 150,38
Total in 2014-2019
31 390,16
157 943,04
189 333,20

Number of tour operators in Kamchatka


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